JD Power Reliabilty Survey USA: 2012

I'm not a huge fan of reliability surveys. Some failures are minor, others major. Some not really an issue, others really frustrating or annoying. These surveys don't seem to differentiate. Also, really poor reliability does go against a brand, but generally people don't get put off. Customer satisfaction is much broader than this sort of survey. Are they useless? No, otherwise I wouldn't bother mentioning them. Accept them for what they are and it may confirm of change your opinion of certain marques. For those who just want a reliable car over all other concerns, you will love this JD Power Survey.
According to JD Power "Overall initial quality for the industry improves by 5 problems per 100 vehicles to average 102 in 2012-an improvement of 5% from 2011. There are gains in most areas with one notable exception--audio, entertainment, and navigation problems have increased by 8%. This continues a recent trend, as problems in this category have increased by 45% percent since 2006 while other categories have improved by 24% percent, on average".

Lexus 73
Jaguar 75
Porsche 75
Cadillac 80
Honda 83
Acura 84
Infiniti 84
Toyota 88
Mercedes 96
BMW 97
Mazda 97
GMC 99
Nissan 99
Ram 99
Chevrolet 100

Average 102
Audi 105
Buick 106
Hyundai 107
Kia 107
Lincoln 107
Volvo 108
Subaru 109
Jeep 110
Suzuki 115
Chrysler 116
Scion 117
Ford 118
Land Rover 119
Dodge 124
Mitsubishi 124
Volkswagen 124
MINI 139
Fiat 151
smart 151

One thing I notice when reading comments on websites is how some people still thing a car's reliability twenty or thirty years ago will be the same now. For such ones, read the list and learn. Jaguar was an unreliable brand many decades ago, now it is at the top of most lists. JAGUARS ARE NOW VERY RELIABLE. More so than Merc, BMW and Audi. Audi is below average and VW is virtually last. Fiat hasn't changed over the years it seems. Smart surprises, as does MINI. The last three all sell small premium cars!

So take what you will from it. Such surveys have their place, but they only tell part of the story. How happy customers are tells you the rest.

Read more at: http://autos.jdpower.com/ratings/quality-press-release.htm

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