UK Car Production By Make: 1997-2012

Few mature car making countries have had such change as has the British car industry. Let's look at the reasons, one by one:

Poor management: The running of MGR by both BMW and the Phoenix Four left much to be desired, the company therefore going under and ending up in China.
Plant closures: Ford desided to make the UK the engine making hub for Ford Europe, finishing car making in the UK. Peugeot opened plants in Central Europe and then decided to end many years of car making at Coventry.
New arrivals: Out of the MGR debacle came the MINI, a success beyond expectation.
The future: Nissan (pic above), MINI and LR are near or at capacity. Honda, Toyota, GM and Jaguar could increase, but the Euro zone crisis will mean that will be limited at best. Any growth in these difficult times will be quite an achievement, so I cannot see too much improvement from where it is now.
Enough of the talk, here are the hard facts. Only main brands are included and production figures are rounded for ease of viewing:

Yr Total Nissan Toyota GM Vx L Rover Honda
97 1,711,900 271,700 104,600 284,500 106,900 108,100
98 1,760,700 288,800 172,300 277,300 149,300 112,100
99 1,799,000 271,200 178,700 339,000 154,300 114,500
00 1,641,400 327,700 171,300 290,100 160,000 74,600
01 1,492,400 296,500 154,800 193,700 139,000 112,500
02 1,629,700 297,300 211,700 138,500 155,400 177,000
03 1,657,600 331,900 210,600 133,600 147,500 184,700
04 1,647,200 319,700 244,800 146,900 149,800 193,500
05 1,596,400 315,300 264,300 189,400 175,900 187,000
06 1,442,100 301,200 282,200 143,700 175,700 184,400
07 1,534,600 353,700 277,800 115,500 232,500 237,800
08 1,448,100 386,600 213,300 102,500 185,900 230,900
09 999,400 338,200 127,400 76,700 114,600 75,600
10 1,274,300 423,300 137,100 102,700 183,000 139,300
11 1,343,800 480,500 128,100 138,000 237,200 97,500
Tot 22,978,600 5,003,600 2,879,000 2,672,100 2,467,000 2,229,500
Avg 1,531,900 333,600 191,900 178,100 164,500 148,600

Yr MINI MG R Peugeot Jaguar Ford Other
97 - 394,600 85,000 43,600 302,100 10,800
98 - 328,600 71,400 50,000 298,500 12,400
99 - 225,800 162,600 86,300 255,100 11,500
00 - 174,900 186,100 88,800 155,100 12,800
01 41,500 163,100 186,100 122,500 72,700 10,000
02 159,800 147,000 197,700 122,900 12,900 9,500
03 174,200 132,800 207,200 126,100 - 9,000
04 189,100 106,100 173,100 105,500 - 18,700
05 200,200 29,100 126,500 84,000 - 24,700
06 184,700 - 75,400 69,900 - 24,900
07 237,700 - - 54,000 - 25,600
08 234,500 - - 72,700 - 21,700
09 213,600 - - 41,800 - 11,500
10 216,300 - - 56,400 - 16,200
11 191,500 - - 49,900 - 21,100
Tot 2,043,100 1,702,000 1,471,100 1,174,400 1,096,400 240,400
Avg 198,400 205,100 152,400 78,300 215,000 16,000

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