UK Car Production By Make: 1982-1996

The early eighties saw the UK car making industry at it's lowest in thirty years; the time of rebuilding after the war. Now it was on another rebuilding, it's battered image of poor quality, industrial unrest and appallingly complacent management. In this period BLMC became Rover Group, GM got its act together, Peugeot shifted from Chrysler and Rootes product to its own, and the Japanese companies arrived. Land Rover is low as it does not include commercial sales.

Overall, the 1982-1996 went from a sorry state to one with some optimism. It wasn't as good as it was in the seventies and never will be, but better than it could have been. The car industry could have gone the way of ship building, but clawed its way back to some respectability.

The lists below start with the biggest producer in 1996 and go down to the smallest.

Yr Total Rover Ford GM Vx Nissan
82 887,782 369,800 306,600 112,700 -
83 1,044,683 433,200 318,700 126,500 -
84 908,184 371,400 273,800 117,100 -
85 1,048,085 450,900 317,700 153,600 -
86 1,019,086 390,000 346,300 161,900 -
87 1,142,787 450,700 386,700 183,900 -
88 1,226,888 450,100 375,500 176,500 56,700
89 1,299,189 434,800 382,600 208,300 77,000
90 1,295,690 417,400 329,600 256,300 76,400
91 1,236,991 360,000 339,300 259,000 124,700
92 1,291,993 339,100 302,100 319,100 179,000
93 1,375,593 356,300 271,800 273,900 246,300
94 1,466,894 390,900 269,100 289,900 204,900
95 1,532,195 374,400 273,900 262,200 215,300
96 1,686,196 376,300 328,000 297,700 231,600
Tot 18,460,901 5,965,300 4,821,700 3,198,600 1,411,900
Avg 1,230,727 397,687 321,447 213,240 176,488

Yr Toyota Honda L Rover Peugeot Jaguar Other
82 - - 13,300 56,200 22,000 7,100
83 - - 12,200 120,500 28,000 5,500
84 - - 11,900 95,100 33,300 5,500
85 - - 14,200 67,100 38,400 6,100
86 - - 14,200 58,400 41,400 6,800
87 - - 20,800 45,500 48,000 7,100
88 - - 24,000 82,300 51,900 9,800
89 - - 31,800 107,200 48,100 9,300
90 - - 47,300 116,500 41,900 10,200
91 - - 35,700 88,000 23,000 7,200
92 - 1 39,700 85,800 20,600 6,500
93 37,300 32,100 50,500 72,900 29,600 4,800
94 85,500 42,800 71,800 74,400 31,400 6,100
95 88,400 91,100 99,500 78,400 41,000 7,900
96 117,000 105,800 96,900 85,100 38,600 9,100
Tot 328,200 271,801 583,800 1,233,400 537,200 109,000
Avg 93,771 90,600 38,920 82,227 35,813 7,267

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