UK CV Production: 1969-2011

The UK car industry suffered as did much UK industry in latter decades of the 20th century. The car making sector rallied thanks to overseas investment, and other areas such as car design got a reprieve. The effect on the economy was most beneficial, from taxes generated to the trickle down effect to suppliers and ultimately all businesses.

However, CV (commercial vehicle) manufacturing wasn't so fortunate. Van production has fallen away badly, and many truck brands have gone - some bought out by foreign companies and closed. So how did CV production fare in the time frame from 1969 to today? The list below shows:
Make 1969

Make 1979

Make 1989
BLMC 185,400

Ford 167,200

Ford 144,000
Ford 137,000

BLMC 124,700

GM 67,200
GM 102,500

GM 87,700

Rover 44,800
Chrysler 31,900

Ren (Chr) 17,600

Ley-DAF 38,300

Iveco 14,900
Others 8,900

Others 9,200

Others 17,400
Total 465,700

Total 408,400

Total 326,600

Make 1999

Make 2011

Ford 118,300

GM-Ren 73,100

Rover 24,200

Ford 28,200

LDV 13,700

Ley-DAF 14,600

GM 13,300

Ley-DAF 8,100

Others 8,300

Others 5,400

Total 185,900

Total 121,300

With Ford quitting its van production, it will be down to two makers of any consequence. Ownership of many companies has changed so I have tried to keep it as simple as possible. The point is the slide of volume . With GM never guaranteeing anything beyond the current model, and any future investment of note impossible to see this is as good as it will get. I guess the positive note is the car industry could have gone the same way but didn't.

Bedford truck picture source:  click here
Ford Transit picture source:  click here
Leyland-DAF picture source:  click here
GM Vivaro picture source:  click here

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