US Car Production By Make: 1993-2012

This is an analysis of car making only, not light trucks. It shows the large fall of US 'Big Three' volume, even more than the overall decline. Americans have gone more for SUVs and Pick Ups as has been  the trend worldwide.

I have listed them from left to right according to 2011 production figures. Each name at the top of each column represents the group, which includes all brands within that company. You need to add three zeros to the numbers.

Yr Total GM Ford Niss Hyun Hond Toyo Chry Sub VW Maz Mit BMW
93 5981 2542 1593 292 - 404 356 533 47 - 116 98 -
94 6614 2720 1775 313 - 499 399 599 54 - 133 122 -
95 6351 2513 1446 333 - 553 519 679 81 - 99 116 12
96 6083 2198 1459 278 - 634 557 589 99 - 96 122 51
97 5912 2244 1300 280 - 648 556 519 102 - 91 110 62
98 5554 1965 1284 223 - 695 544 494 104 - 94 96 55
99 5637 2137 1303 168 - 686 524 472 93 - 87 119 48
00 5542 2038 1287 150 - 677 521 472 108 - 67 183 39
01 4905 1702 1015 158 - 692 496 493 103 - 47 165 34
02 5019 1733 1091 235 - 641 533 448 93 - 48 174 23
03 4507 1460 822 322 - 590 595 390 89 - 83 99 57
04 4163 1250 737 367 - 567 639 386 35 - 91 56 35
05 4152 1216 670 383 91 581 695 327 32 - 74 63 20
06 4312 1215 719 348 175 607 703 331 29 - 71 75 39
07 3867 988 446 385 133 590 753 401 28 - 54 63 26
08 3731 1090 411 374 153 553 693 290 28 - 75 54 10
09 2196 442 307 259 104 392 533 84 28 - 32 15 -
10 2731 601 376 347 238 426 462 169 44 - 45 23 -
11 2976 721 390 385 373 350 347 250 47 46 40 27 -
Tot 90233 30775 18431 5600 1267 10785 10425 7926 1244 46 1443 1780 511
Avg 4749 1620 970 295 181 568 549 417 65 46 76 94 39

In that period of nineteen years, over 90 million cars made, nearly 31 m by GM alone!

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