Ford UK Production By Model: 1979-2002

Ford started assembling cars in the UK in 1911, and came to an end in 2002. Well 2001 but a few were made the following year. I would like to see manufacturers publishing data about sales and manufacturing for years gone by, but you have to find it yourself. So here we have British Ford production from 1979.

In the statistics below, the Orion figures are included with the Escort as they were after all the same car, one a saloon (sedan) and the other a Hatchback. The Fiesta commenced production in 1979, so the data represents total production in the UK.

Yr Total Fiesta Escort Sierra Cortina
79 398,700 13,800 185,600 - 199,300
80 342,800 33,300 125,900 - 183,600
81 342,200 51,800 150,200 - 140,200
82 306,600 42,000 137,900 39,900 86,800
83 318,700 58,400 132,400 127,900 -
84 273,800 69,400 121,400 83,000 -
85 317,700 88,300 148,900 80,500 -
86 346,300 109,900 143,200 93,200 -
87 386,700 108,100 185,400 93,200 -
88 375,500 93,800 180,600 101,100 -
89 382,600 109,600 188,800 84,200 -
90 329,600 186,900 117,600 25,100 -
91 339,300 212,100 127,200 - -
92 302,100 153,500 148,600 - -
93 271,800 121,300 150,500 - -
94 269,100 135,500 133,600 - -
95 273,900 137,200 136,700 - -
96 303,500 181,900 121,600 - -
97 289,500 192,200 97,300 - -
98 293,400 194,000 99,400 - -
99 251,200 158,400 92,800 - -
00 153,100 122,800 30,300 - -
01 69,800 69,800 - - -
02 12,900 12,900 - - -
Tot 6,950,800 2,656,900 2,955,900 728,100 609,900
Avg 302,200 115,500 140,800 91,000 152,500

Production numbers from 1968- 1978 can be found by clicking here.

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